What is tachyon
'The scientific community
has show that matter is nothing more than the condensation of a vibrating, universal substrate of subtle energy. This is the
virtual condition that is known as zero-point-energy. Matter is created when zero-point-energy is transformed into tachyon
energy. The tachyon energy is then transformed by the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEF'S).'
If matter is just the
condensation of a vibrating universal subtle energy substrate, a virtual condition of a vacuum within the matrix of space
and time, then certain forms and densities of energy build it. In spiritual terminology, 'pure consciousness', 'cosmic energy'
and 'universal prana' correspond with this perfect organized, non-manifested state. The term SOEF (Subtle Organizing Energy
Field) tries to describe how the descent of subtle energy in material form takes place en how it is organized.'
Vertical and
horizontal energy
Vertical energy structure
Vertical energy structure
is autonomous, but also interrelated to other vertical energy structures. At birth, the chakra system of man corresponds with
the vertical energy system. The vertical energy system is linked with all there is.
Horizontal energy system
Only the crown chakra
and the base chakra have a vertical position. When the chakras take on a horizontal position, the inborn connection with the
energy stream of nature eventually diminishes.
Zero-point energy is
present everywhere. Three major characteristics of zero-point-energy:
First, zero-point energy
is infinitely intelligent. Second, zero point energy carries within itself all possibilities that are necessary to create
perfect forms. Third, zero point energy is formless and not manifest.
Tachyon energy
The first downward
transformation from this formless, formless non-manifested zero-point energy is the transition to tachyon energy. The prominent
German physician-researcher Dr. Hans Nieper described tachyon energy as 'a more or less condensed form of energy, the virtual
condition on the way to change into a particle. The tachyon field exists on the boundary between energy and matter.
Biologist Philips S.
Callahan describes a tachyon as a 'particle that moves faster than the speed of light'. The energy keeps on transforming itself
going downward and begets a form.
Subtle Organizing
Energy Fields
Gabriel Cousens describes
SOEF'S (Subtle Organizing Energy Fields) as:
'... Fields, that create
and energize the blueprint of living organisms. Subtle Organizing Energy Fields
exist in all aspects of the energetic continuum. As soon as they leave the virtual state, the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields
are capable of organizing the human body at all levels - from cell structures to organic systems en even the subtle bodies.
The Subtle Organizing Energy Fields resonate with the unlimited energy of the virtual state and make sure that these
pass via several phases of downward transformation into the energy fields of the human body. Subtle Organizing Energy Fields
resonate in that manner with the whole of body and mind and provide these with energy.'
This tachyon model
explains how the unlimited formless zero-point energy is condensing into tachyon energy. The tachyon energy is then transformed
into specific frequencies by the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields. This energy is, according to Wagner and Cousens, transformed
in the human body, in such a way that entropy is turned around. This has the effect that the aging process is reversed.
Ernst E. Wall in his
book The Physics of tachyons supports the theories of Wagner and Gabriel. When we take a look of the family of the leptons,
these are elementary particles that have only electro magnetic and weak reciprocity, we see that the family consists of pions,
muons and electrons.
The order in
which the unlimited zero-point energy is converted
Tachyon energy is the
condensation of unlimited zero-point energy that slows down to the speed of light. As soon as the Subtle Organizing Energy
Field has conversed tachyon energy into the frequency of the pion, it evolves into a muon. So first from the unlimited zero-point
energy there is derived tachyon energy that is conversed into the frequency of a pion, then into a muon and finally into an
Below is shown
the order of this conversion.
--- Light speed
threshold ---
From tachyon to Pion:
The pion is the first
elemental particle. It moves less fast as the speed of light. It describes a consistent, mathematically calculated orbit,
which is called the Subtle Organizing Energy Field (SOEF) by scientists.
'All Subtle Organizing
Energy Fields move just below light speed and are directly responsible for the
conversion of tachyon energy into frequencies that are required to organize, develop and create perfect forms. Of course,
all forms have different frequencies. The Subtle Organizing Energy Fields convert tachyon energy into the frequencies that
are required for the specific form that belongs to that Subtle Organizing Energy Field.'
From pion to muon:
The muon has a Subtle
Organizing Energy Field ten times bigger than the pion, and is below light speed. When the Subtle Organizing Energy Field
of the muon is reciprocal to tachyon energy, the orbit of the Subtle Organizing Energy Field expands. Then the muon changes
instantly into an electron.
From muon to electron:
When the muon has changed
into an electron, it is 207 times bigger as the Subtle Organizing Energy Field of the muon. The conversion from tachyon energy
by the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields into the required frequencies is a continuous process. It proceeds into the entire
energetic continuum, until the perfect end form has been reached.
Energetic continuum
'Tachyon energy is
the connecting energy of the universe and is responsible for the development of all forms on earth. It is the connecting link
of the energy stream that discharges itself from the endless formlessness into the perfect form. This stream we call the energetic
'Tachyon energy has
no frequency, and like energy that is faster than light speed, it does not have spin, vibration or oscillation but it possesses
all latent frequencies. Seen from a scientific point of view, only frequencies manifest spin or oscillation. Tachyon energy
is the energetic bridge between zero-point energy and the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields.'
The human body can
thus be converted into a conductor for energy that is faster than the speed of light. It is connected to the unlimited source
of zero-point energy. In time, the body becomes a better converter and conductor of these energies. When this happens, the
body is capable of storing and transferring more quantities of this higher energy.
A priest that is spiritually
and energetically connected to the divine source, or to the divine energy reservoir, becomes in time, after his initiation
a better conductor and conveyor of energy.
Miracles can happen
when believers are open to the influence of the cosmic energy.
According to Wagner
and Cousens, frequencies can preserve, exhaust or destroy a Subtle Organizing Energy Field.
'A form can only be
created through the connection with the energetic continuum and the conversion of tachyon energy into the perfect form of
the Subtle
Organizing Energy Field .'
The patterns of the
whirling energy of the several Subtle Organizing Energy Fields create distinctive patterns of matter. When a Subtle Organizing
Energy Field is energized, it gets a better structure and organization. This preserves the living organism, so that entropy
is reversed, and also the aging process.
Function of
tachyon energy
The foremost function
of tachyon energy is the supply of energy to the subtle organized energy fields. The entropy is thus reversed. The result
is the retardation or slowing down of the aging process. Could tachyon energy be the prima material of the ancient alchemist?
Subtle Organizing Energy
Fields vibrate just below light speed. Subtle Organizing Energy Field create and preserve or uphold the energetic matrix from
which all physical form is built.
'The energetic continuum
reaches from infinite, formless expansion to the eventual condensation of the form. The example of the ocean makes this clearer.
The ocean contains an infinite number of water droplets, but is - like zero-point energy - formless. One drop of ocean water
differs only from the ocean because it has a form. Tachyon energy contains everything that exists within zero-point energy,
but then in a form.'
Tachyon energy has
no frequency. It latently contains all frequencies in itself. Tachyon energy is the source of all frequencies. It enhances
all frequencies without being itself a frequency. Tachyon energy influences the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields that upsurge
that much energy as needed to bring their frequency at the original level.
'All frequencies, photons,
orgone, light-waves, etc - are becoming more coherent en balanced when the SOEF'S are strengthened with the help of tachyon
According to Wagner
and Cousens the physical body is the last part in the energetic continuum of man:
'The coordination and
regulation of molecular activity in the cells is the result of signal transference through bio photons. These light particles
are conducting the vital energy that is transformed from the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields. They are the link between the
Subtle Organizing Energy Fields and the physical body and provide all active metabolism molecules with vital energy. Certain
molecules - such as DNA, RNA, enzymes, chlorophyll and helix-like formed proteins - are capable of coordinating the metabolism
via these bio photons.'
Such molecules that
are capable of coordinating the metabolism via these bio photons are called living macromolecules. This phenomenon explains
how this complex mechanism can function very accurate. 'It explains also why
97 percent of the DNA consists of material that doesn't contain genetic information. This DNA material consists of introns.
Introns are components of the DNA that release and absorb bio photons. Via the transference of introns, the intra- and intercellular
communication is arranged. As soon as the energy of the photons diminishes, the intra- and intercellular communication, that
coordinates the entire cell metabolism, worsens and the cells get disorganized.'
The bifurcation point
is the point at which there is a point of choice after which there is no return. The bifurcation point is the moment of truth.
The body collapses, gets sick, or reintegrates at a higher level, gets healed, and thus reaches a new level of order.
'Alignment is in fact
the invoking of a stream of organized energy that resonates within the body in such a way that one is automatically moving
to the side of balance when they reach the bifurcation point.'
'Body and mind can
only make contact with the zero-point energy through a tachyon field that is converted into frequencies by the SOEF'S. This
is the key to recovery.'
Tachyon energy energizes
all levels - the spiritual, the metal, the emotional and the physical - and balances them. David Wagfner says that tachyonized products are capable of balancing both the left and right hemispheres of the
brain.Research shows that tachyon energy has a strong influence
on the brains.
'The SOEF'S convert
tachyon energy in usable biological energy that is capable of waking or even reactivating slumbering parts of the brains.'
Kundalini is part of
the transdimensional awakening which leads to verticalization, to a vertical state. Gopi Krishna describes kundalini as a
strong current of psychic energy that has to ascent from the base of the spine to the head. In this way consciousness can
transcend the ordinary limits. 'There is an inborn evolutionary power that awakens during one's spiritual development and brings the ones concerned
in a vertical state. In yoga tradition this force is called 'kundalini', in the kabala en with the Essenes 'ruach hakodesh',
in Christianity 'the holy spirit'. Verticality, or the reaching of
the vertical state, is one of the natural consequences of awakening the kundalini force.
'All natural energy
systems - trees, plants, animals and most young children - have a vertical energy system. The life-force, that forms the consciousness,
streams top down, into the crown chakra in a vertical way, then it goes through all the chakras, and makes a tree-dimensional
loop outside the body en then returns into the crown chakra.'
In a vertical system
the energy current streams through the body through every chakra till deep into the earth and there develops a connection
with the planet. Then it makes a loop and streams upwards to heaven. This movement creates a connection with the whole surroundings
and eventually to God.
In the kabala verticalization
is shekinah-energy, or the feminine face of God. Shekina is the life force that pervades the entire world.
The male, is called
in the kabala Ain Soph and shiva in the yogic tradition. The male represents the formless state without streaming energy.
Verticalization is
the waking of the cosmic feminine aspect -irrespective of the masculine or feminine gender of someone. Shiva and shakti are the two sides of one coin and tachyon energy is the middle of the coin that connects
the two sides. Because it has no frequency, it symbolizes the masculine and because it is measurable and has form , it also
represents the feminine.
Vertical resonance
Gabriel Cousens described
in his book Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet as a part of the development of the process in which the kundalini force
awakes. During the kundalini process the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields get better organized and the body becomes subtler.
The whirl of kundalini energy gets more powerful and converts the energy from the denser subtle bodies, until the subtle energy
of the entire organism gets thrown into the energy whirl. Then one feels oneself literally one and whole. This is called vertical
is the evolutionary process by which the whirling energy of the kundalini transforms the gross physical body into a more refined,
better organized and energized Subtle Organizing Energy Field ...It is the process of transcendence which explains the physical
(ascension) transcendence of Tukaram, Elia, Enoch and Jezus.
COUSENS, GABRIEL, Tachyon Energy, Schneelöwe, Verlangsberatung & Verlag, Aitrang, Germany, 1999